Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy is a proprietary protocol designed to initiate a quantum shift by resetting the brain from emotional shocks and trauma lodged in the nervous system. QNRT® was developed by Dr. John Turner based on his own practice experience and his research to resolve pain. Currently QNRT® has shown valuable benefits as a co
Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy is a proprietary protocol designed to initiate a quantum shift by resetting the brain from emotional shocks and trauma lodged in the nervous system. QNRT® was developed by Dr. John Turner based on his own practice experience and his research to resolve pain. Currently QNRT® has shown valuable benefits as a compliment to other therapies for pain, illness, addictions, learning disabilities, high risk social behaviors, and relationship challenges. QNRT® has been in clinical practice internationally and in the USA for more than 17 years.
A certified QNRT® practitioner will be able to identify specific adverse events or emotional traumas that have occurred in your life, including the age the negative life patterns were first established, the circumstance, the situation, and the emotional conflict surrounding that age and event. We will be able to tie in the core beliefs
A certified QNRT® practitioner will be able to identify specific adverse events or emotional traumas that have occurred in your life, including the age the negative life patterns were first established, the circumstance, the situation, and the emotional conflict surrounding that age and event. We will be able to tie in the core beliefs (Core Drivers) that were established to help you survive or protect yourself from perceived harm. You will currently understand how this pattern no longer serves you. You will clearly see, feel and hear how you use your coping mechanisms to drive self sabotaging behaviors. Your QNRT® practitioner will activate your nervous system and re-set the way your brain responds to emotional triggers. QNRT® also balances the hemispheres of the brain, which ads your brain in functioning at its optimum level.
Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that 95% of clients, unburdening the nervous system using QNRT®
*Reduce the total body and emotional stress load;
*Regulate stress hormones;
*Relieve joint and muscular discomfort;
*Restore vitality and positive outlooks;
*Support resiliency of the Brain;
*Empower the individual to make positive change
Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that 95% of clients, unburdening the nervous system using QNRT®
*Reduce the total body and emotional stress load;
*Regulate stress hormones;
*Relieve joint and muscular discomfort;
*Restore vitality and positive outlooks;
*Support resiliency of the Brain;
*Empower the individual to make positive changes;
*Support energy and overall well being;
*Support memory, focus, and acuity;
*Support the quality of sleep;
*Support the immune system; and
*Resolve background fears, anxieties, worries, and anger.
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